Candy Box – Do Invulnerability Potions Work?


Do Invulnerability potions work? The wiki has comments saying that they don't, and I tried them myself, and they don't.

So is it a joke potion, like the Superman potion, as it just says "You won't feel pain". Emphasis mine?

Best Answer

The wikia page for Invulnerability potion has indeed comments stating that sometimes it won't work, and this user advices:

If anyone complains about their Invincibility potion not working, WAIT FOR IT! It will work eventually. And also, if eventually it doesn't work, tell aniwey [the developer]. He'll fix the bug.

Another user reports never having this problem:

I've never had that problem before; all I can say is to play at the official site (if you're not already there) so you know you're playing the most up-to-date version.

While searching on the web for potential use, you can find several topics (as this one) where people are effectively using Invulnerability potions, without any problem.

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