Zelda Breath of the Wild – Do Multiple Taming Attempts Stack in BOTW?


I have my eyes set on a nice brown, Seabiscuit looking horse in BOTW. I've got six hearts, and one extra stamina container above the initial wheel. I read here that attempts stack, but this site says they don't.

Which is correct?

I've already been eating stamina increasing foods whilst trying to tame it, and temporary stamina boosts to give me a leg up but nothing works in my five attempts so far.

It's night in the game and I'd rather look for Seabiscuit when I can see him and avoid stal-monsters.

If the taming attempts do stack, does it refresh every in-game day? That would be a pain.

Best Answer

Nope, the only mechanic to horse taming is that based on the specific horse stats / type you have to press the "soothe" button a specific number of times before running out of stamina. There is nothing else to that, and good button mashing skills will allow you to get every horse with as little as one stamina wheel.

You can get more info in this Youtube video by Croton. Generally speaking, the average horse requires 15 button presses. Royal stallion is 25, and the big black "Ganondor-style" horse requires 30.