Do opponents see your alternate hero


In Hearthstone you can use a few different alternate heroes for yourself, which are basically just skins and provide no benefit other than a cosmetic change. I bought the Magni Bronzebeard warrior hero since I dislike Garrosh.

I haven't been playing Hearthstone particularly long; however, I've been playing fairly regularly the past few weeks, and after buying and using this skin I realize that I've never actually seen any of my opponents using an alternate hero.

I know from reading different sites that the price of alternate heroes was a bitter subject for Hearthstone players. I think that surely I should have run into someone else using one of the currently available alternate hero skins by now, though. I haven't even seen anyone using the Lady Liadrin hero, who is completely free to obtain.

This has led me to wonder: Can opponents even see your alternate hero skin?

Best Answer

Yes, other players see your skin instead of the default hero for your class!

They also hear the different voiceovers and emotes of course, that's what skins are for.

I can't really confirm your experience to be honest, I personally see them a lot when playing ladder. When the skins came out it was actually very rare to see a regular hero instead of the alternate one. ^^

I have to mention that I usually play on the higher ranks, so my opponents are playing for a longer time as well, increasing the chance that someone there bought a skin. In the lower ranks there are a lot of new players which probably don't want to pay money for cosmetic stuff when they can spend the money on card packs. However, this is just a wild guess but I think it goes to the right direction.