Do pea pod upgrades count a extra plants in PvZ2


In Plants vs Zombies 2, to get some stars you must plant less than a given number of plants.

In those levels, do Pea Pod upgrades that go onto existing Pea Pod count as extra plants?

The Encyclopedia seems to indicate this way – it explicitly refers to "multiple plantings" and "repeatedly planted in the same space". Also, I have experienced "losing" the star level when I had zero plants to plant left and I planted a Pea Pod upgrade.

However, I'd like an official answer based on some sort of PvZ documentation to confirm my observations and guesses.

Best Answer

Didn't you just answer your own question?

Also, I have experienced "losing" the star level when I had zero plants to plant left and I planted a Pea Pod upgrade.

So yes, planting a Pea Pod anywhere(including existing ones) counts as planting an extra plant.


From Pea Pod wiki:

On missions with a limited amount of plants, each head added to the pea pod will count as a new plant.