Do scope readings scale to the map size in Battlefield 3


I'm not sure if its just my own perception or not, but while sniping in Battefield 3, it seems as though depending on the map, the scope measures a distance. In other words, in a small map, a scope dot is a smaller distance than one in a large map even though i am using the same gun. Does the scope scale or is it just my own mind tricking me?

EDIT: I wanted to add why I want to know. I relate the player size in scope to distance. So if a player is 1 dot tall, then i put them at 500m as an example. With that, i know i need to aim 1 dot above the player's head to get the head shot. Granted, these are all general numbers, its the basic concept. However, it feels if i try to apply that scale from say metro, to Caspian Border, it isn't the same. It feels that on Caspian, 1 dot is more like 600m instead of the 500m. So then i have to adjust the position of the scope.

Again, the numbers aren't accurate to the game but it illustrates my question better (I hope).

EDIT 2: Since there is some confusion on my question, I'll try to clarify it some more.

With a static weapon setup (i.e. L96 with a 12x scope)

Does 1 scope dot = (X)m on all maps


  • 1 scope dot = (X)m on Caspian (standard size map)
  • 1 scope dot = 1/2(X)m on Metro (small map)
  • 1 scope dot = 2(X)m on Gulf of Oman (large map)


EDIT: Made table clearer.

Best Answer

I think the scope is not changing from map to map, as long as you are using the same rifle and same scope.

As to your concern about the inaccuracy in different maps, there are many factors that affect the accuracy, Distance, Altitude, Enemy moving speed, Player moving speed, Player under suppression, and so on.

You need to adjust your scope now and then based on a variety of factors, not only the distance (which for itself, I think can be reflected by the size of enemy in your scope).