FTL Faster Than Light – Do Rebel-Controlled Nodes Get Harder in Same Sector?


Just curious after actually getting a really nice combo'd ship that could decimate fleets without being touched — I'm honestly curious if chilling inside rebel-controlled nodes will scale enemies constantly?

Say you are in Sector 3, where enemies are more likely to have 1-2 shields and missile/laser weapons. If I were to just hang around jumping from node to node to fight rebel scum, would the ships get harder and harder up to 4 shield/4 weapon ones like in Sector 7-8?

Best Answer

I highly doubt that the Elite Fighters get any more difficult if you hang around in a sector, jumping between rebel-controlled beacons. Difficulty of enemy ships is usually based on the difficulty setting, and what sector you're in. There's no reward for defeating the ships at Rebel-Controlled beacons other than 1 fuel anyway, so there's not much point deliberately hanging around.

Hope this helps.