Nintendo Wii – Do Some Games Require a Classic Controller?


Are there any Wii games that require me to use a Classic Controller and won't work with a Gamecube controller or Wiimote+Nunchuck? Are there any controllers that have both a Wiimote and a Gamecube plug so I don't have to buy two similar controllers?

Best Answer

No, there are no games that require a classic controller but do not work with either a gamecube controller or the wiimote & nunchuck combination.

There are games however that only support two out of the three combinations, most notably, Monster Hunter Tri, which only supports the classic controller and the wiimote+nunchuck combination, but do not support the Gamecube controller

Do note however that some games are not optimized for the gamecube controller and play a lot easier on the classic controller (SNES games notably) and the gamecube controller is the only controller that allows you to play gamecube games.