Undertale – Do First Two Encounters in Ruins Count for Speedrun Genocide Route?


In particular, I'm curious about two fights – the initial fight against the Dummy that Toriel has you fight, and the first encounter with Napstablook.

To stay on track for this route, do I need to kill Napstablook…

Well, sort of – do I need to deplete his health? He can't actually be killed, rather you deplete his health and he leaves.

…and the dummy, or can I mercy these two for speedrun purposes?

Best Answer

No. Neither the dummy nor Napstablook count. It is faster to use Act->Talk on the dummy, and to grind all encounters in the three rock room before Napstablook: if you have already exhausted the encounters in RUINS by the time you meet Napstablook, he will simply fade away.