Do to get the most “fully stocked” tower bux bonuses


I'm interested in any answer, but I'm particularly curious if there is a limit on how often you can it for a given store. For the Food store's it is normally hard to keep them stocked, and if I can only get "Fully Stocked" tower bux bonus say once an hour per store, than I wouldn't work as hard to keep those stores full.

Best Answer

You always get the bonus, the issue you're noticing is you don't always get the Tower Bux. You'll note a little (useless) coin bonus at the bottom right every time you fully stock. They actually used to have the same Fully Stocked notification for Coin Bonuses, but it was annoying as heck and they removed it long ago.

The Tiny Tower wiki claims you have a 1/6 chance of getting Bux for fully stocking a store.

Quickly stocked floors like Food floors are easy to fully stock if you're paying constant attention and they'll thus get you the most fully stocked bonuses. Otherwise, just stock stores which you can keep up with at a reasonable place. Quickly stocked floors are hard to keep up with, and it's probably not worth changing your playing style, you'll have to pay a LOT of attention to the game to keep up with <1 hour restock times.

Generally, just don't change your style of play other than always stocking your third items first. Also, Dream Job Bitizens double stock but not stock time or sales, so your stock lasts longer; this means you have 2x as much time to get the fully stocked bonus.