Do weapons that have lifesteal and hit multiple enemies per attack heal you for each enethe hit


Can weapons that hit multiple enemies with each hit (like 2H melee weapons,cannons and shotgonnes) which have lifesteal properties heal you for each enemy hit per click or do they only heal you for the primary target you're attacking?

Best Answer

I am pretty sure it is just for the primary target. I have tested this by setting Damage text setting to verbose and got myself a cannon on an engineer with +8 Health per Hit. Even though my cannon was hitting many mobs I get only one +8HP sign. I double checked my health globe too. It says the same thing. IT goes up by 8 every time.

So the short answer is you get only 1 +Health per shot/hit.

Otherwise imagine the cannon engineer exploiting a 4 slotted cannon with Blood Embers and blasting away at crowds... virtually invincible!!