Do XP boosting items affect Exp. Share when calculated


There are a few things which increase XP gain at the end of a battle, for example:

I know that Exp. Share gives half of the earned XP to the other Pokemon in the party. But do these XP increases affect the halved XP total when using Exp. Share?

I'm specifically asking about the active or 'battling' Pokémon. If this Pokémon is holding the Lucky Egg, or has maxed out Affection etc, does the boost get applied to all other Pokemon in the party?

Best Answer

No. Effects that boost exp gain will not boost the entire parties exp gain when the pokemon in question participated in battle. You will see the active pokemon get boosted exp and then the rest of your pokemon get half of "normal" exp.

  • For example if you had a pokemon with a lucky egg up front and he got 150 exp then the rest of your pokemon would get 50 (half of 100, the original exp gain).

However, as Haidro points out, if the pokemon that would get boosted exp does not participate in battle they will still get boosted exp of the half they receive from the exp share.

  • So if you had a pokemon up front with no boosted exp and they got 100. Most of your pokemon would get 50 but the one with the exp boost would get 75 (50 boosted).

Note these numbers assume 50% exp boost, I'm not positive that is correct but its easy to do math with and I feel it still shows the point.