Do you build things randomly or wait for Palpatine’s missions


I'm asking because I built an Imperial floor right after the "imperial items" told me I have to build a new floor to progress. About 4 missions later Palpatine asked me to build a new imperial floor. I couldn't do it though, because it said I needeed to progress in the game before building a new one. Therefore I had to skip that mission and spend 2 precious bux.

So my question is: can I build a new floor whenever I feel like it or is it better to get it assigned as a mission and do it then? And I don't mean just imperial floors, but residential and commercial as well. Right now I have 11 floors so I'm just at the beginning and I don't know how the missions look later in the game…

BTW it's a bit annoying that the old man does't recognise that I just accomplished his stupid mission 10 minutes ago.

Best Answer

I've been building whenever I can, but I've only built imperial levels when I needed to because of the imperial objective. I decided to follow this strategy as the more non-imperial levels you have, the greater your passive money earned grows. Imperial levels only generate credits when you create all the required items on them, and that requires active play time. So they are non-earners when you aren't playing.