Do you have to have previous tiers


Do you have to upgrade the tiers for multitool, exosuit, or ship upgrades in order? For instance, will tier 3 still have an effect without the previous tiers (tier 1 + tier 2). I ask because I keep finding stuff that has only the higher tiers and I don't know if the tier has an effect.

It would save me a lot of slots if I could just use the highest tier without the lower ones.

Best Answer

Only one tier of an upgrade is needed to unlock the capability on your multitool/exosuit. So yes, using a tier 3 upgrade will work just fine, even if you do not have the tier 1 or 2 upgrades.

Different tiers do stack, however, which is why you often find tools with multiples of the same augment. For example, if you have tier 1 and 2 sprinting stamina upgrades on your exosuit, you will be able to run longer than if you only had tier 2.