Do you HAVE to prestige


I just hit level 50 in Black Ops.

I now see the experience bar showing my next level is 1.

Does that mean I will have to prestige? I thought it was optional (because there is a menu option for it on my player card).

Best Answer

You don't have too, but there's a few minor advantages to prestiging: You get access to additional player card backdrops, more custom class slots, a prestige only leader board and prestige specific playlists.

The main downside is you have to earn all of your unlocks over again. The only thing you get to keep is your player card. Not even your CoD bucks carry over.

My advice? If you got to level 50 in less than a month, and intend to play the game for a few more months, prestige only once. There's plenty to do after you hit 50. I still have a bunch of challenges left to complete (although I did prestige once already and I'm at 50 again now).

I don't know this for sure, but if the matchmaking algorithm considers the prestige count and you're a mediocre player that got his level through playing a lot, rather than skill, you may actually end up playing with people who are significantly better than you when you do prestige, if the assumption is true that hardcore players who genuinely are better than you are more likely to prestige. Yeah, there's a few assumptions here.