Does a Charr take her partner’s last name when she marries


My wife and I are thinking of creating married Charrs, and we think it'd be cool if they shared a last name. However, we're also trying to stick to Guild Wars 2 naming conventions. Is there anything in the game's lore that deals with this subject? Is there any precedent for this?

Best Answer

Here's what the Wiki has to say on the subject of Charr surnames:

Charr surnames consist of two words put together, one of which (either suffix or prefix) denoting the warband of the individual (e.g., Rytlock Brimstone is of the Stone warband and Scylla Rustcloud of the Rust warband). Charr individuals generally get to pick variations of their surnames within the forming of their first warband which express their personality, ideals or history, though some limitations may apply.

Members of the same warband can also have their warband name in different order than other members of their warband, though this is rare – some examples include Lightbringer Swordshatter and Legionnaire Bloodsword of the Sword warband, and Vitus Silverpick of the Pick warband (where all other warband members have Pick as the prefix of their surnames).

And here is a bit about families:

Charr on occasion mate for life, but most relationships are more casual than that. Families are recognized but adult charr have very little contact with their parents or offspring, but sometimes keep tabs on each other for events which could reflect back on the family’s reputation. As soon a cub is weaned, around being a year old, they enter a fahrar of one of their parents' legion.

No mention is made of Charr changing their names in that context; warband allegiance seems to be the deciding factor. Even in that case, surnames will not be the same for all members of the warband.