Does a lab consume different potions each at the same speed


Let say I put 10 red, 10 green, 10 blue and 10 violet potions into a single lab.

Does this lab consume different potions each at the same speed?

In this example, will the count of 0 arrive at the same time for the 4 different potions' stacks?

Best Answer

Everything is at the same pace. You should be able to test this easily, but my reasoning is say you are researching something that takes 100 of each color science packs. The labs will not run unless it has at least 1 of each color in it. Once all colors are present, the consumption begins and research progresses. It wouldn't make sense for them to be consumed at different rates because of this.

If they got consumed at different rates, research would have to work differently. For example, it would cost 200 red, 100 green, 50 blue, and 25 purple science packs for a technology to be researched if it was different rates.