Does a Pokémon Crystal game degrade after playing a lot


I have an official Pokémon Crystal game and after playing more than 450 hours I see that my game is degrading, or I don't know why is this happening.

Imagine that I have a Feraligatr in the first place of my team, well, if I'm battling against a Parasect (let's say), and he does thunder wave the first turn always appears: "It doesn't affect to Feraligatr".

But on the second turn the Parasect does the same movement and this time it affects to Feraligatr.

Is this supposed to happen? Or is it just a glitch?

Best Answer

As strange as it sounds, you are not the first to encounter this. Someone else posted on this forum pretty much exactly the same thing as you - a Feraligatr in Gen II that has problems being hit with paralysis.

In any case though, I have a very good feeling this is not due to degredation. Something in the back of my mind is tickling that the phrase "it doesn't effect" implies that a move that does no damage but gives a status effect has missed, whereas "it didn't effect" implies that the target is immune to the move. I'm guessing that's the best answer here, but I thought they fixed the "100%-accuracy moves are actually only 99.6% accurate" problem in Gen II.

Either way, this is a minor problem that I do not believe is indicative of any technical issues.

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