Does ADC strictly mean Hunter


I understand that ADC (an abbreviation of Attack Damage Carry) is a term that came from other MOBAs. In League of Legends it appears that the term is an old term since replaced with Marksman, Assassin and Fighter to refer to specific classes of champions. In the article linked there is a list of definitive ADC champions.

I've been told that in Smite ADC refers generally to Hunters. What does generally mean? I've seen this general scope used here:

ADC: Pretty much always a Hunter, …

and here:

Attack Damage Carry. A term generated from other MOBAs, generally used to speak about Hunters, …

Does that mean all Hunters are considered ADC? Or is there more to this? I notice that ADC may also apply to Mages:

Carry – Player who generally stays in the long/duo lane (see Long Lane) together with the Support (see Support). Usually played by a Hunter or a Mage. Also known as "ADC".

Additionally, AD in Smite seems to translate as physical gods. Does this not apply to ADC in Smite (i.e. both physical and magical gods can be considered ADC)?

I ask because there are many guides as well as answers on this site that refer to ADC in the context of Smite

  1. Exactly which gods are considered ADC?
  2. Does ADC really mean ONLY AND ALL Hunters?

Best Answer

From the Smite Gamepedia

Attack Damage Carry. A term generated from other MOBAs, generally used to speak about Hunters, gold and item dependent gods that can be quite dangerous at later stages of the game.

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