Apex Legends – Does Caustic’s Gas Affect Teammates?


Do Caustic's gas traps or ultimate gas grenade affect my teammate movement speed or do damage?

Nox gas

I haven't heard my teammates complain about it. Also I can't test it with my friends because they don't have the game.

Best Answer

The gas trap definitly affects team mates movement speed, though not in a good way

As far as I can tell, it does not deal damage. I actually doubt that friendly fire is in any way possible (maybe through Bangalore & Gibraltar ultimate). It also reduces vision, just like Bangalore's smoke grenade.

As I don't own Caustic, I can't tell if a friendly Caustic is affected the same as any other friendly character. Also I am not certain about Caustic ultimate gas grenade, yet I would assume it to behave the same way

This is all based on my own experience within the game.