Does completing the Desmond memories have any effect on the Ezio campaign


AKA, Is there anything to be gained by indulging my whiny, emo, future self?

Ugh. Desmond. I can't stand this guy. I've unlocked a few of the Desmond missions, but I've been putting them off. In previous games, the Desmond parts of the game were by far my least favorite parts of the game.

I've considered maybe going and doing one or two of these missions just so I can get them out of the way, and so that I'm not left with just a load of Desmond missions when I finish the game proper.

However, it occurs to me that perhaps there are benefits in the Ezio timeline if I finish the Desmond missions now. Should I prioritize the Desmond missions? Will I go crazy if I do them all at once? Or can I safely ignore them till the game is over?

Best Answer

You can safely ignore them. What they give you doesn't affect the outcome of the game. They're only for storyline and achievements.