Overwatch – Does Crouching Affect Roadhog’s Hook Accuracy?


So, there have been quite a few questions revolving around Roadhog recently. To save space on the title, the real question is:

Can heroes crouch to avoid Roadhog's hook?

Considering a perfectly accurate Roadhog, can I dodge the hook without moving? I have seen in a gfycat posted on Reddit that a Zenyatta crouched under the hook, saving himself from a face full of Rolin's man meat. Is this possible for the whole cast, or was it a fluke thing?

Edit: Here's the GFY

Best Answer


Crouching will not help you a tiny bit, as the hit-box of the hook is enormously huge, much bigger than what Hanzo's is, for example compared to the model (as he's complained to have really big hitbox arrows).

Well not that much to actually care about. It does reduce the hitbox, but if the Roadhog against you is anything above 250 raiting, then he'll be aiming at least somewhat at your height, and as show bellow this wont save you.

Check this video at 4:00 for more details. Basically the hook is actually twice as large as the model shows. Soldier is definitely crouching and the shooter is aiming quite high, yet he got hooked.

The hook and the animation have a weird mechanic, and that's why many people were dragged trough walls and across the map before people got teleported to the point where they got hooked. When you hit the button to hook someone, and the croshair is on the target, this doesn't mean that you'll hook them. Nor is the case when the hook starts to fly towards the target. The hit scan actually triggers about half way into the throwing animation. Roadhog kind of points to his target, while throwing, this is the exact moment when he'll hit-scan and hook you. And that's what I'm talking about. (1 minute into the video)