Does Destiny + DLCs transfer over from PS3 to PS4


In the next couple days, I am purchasing a PlayStation 4, so I can play with some buddies who all have Destiny on PlayStation 4.

I am aware that I can transfer character data over; but does digital game access transfer over, as well?

I have purchased all 3 DLCs. I have a physical copy of the core game, but it would be nice to know if I also did not have to repurchase that, too.

Best Answer

Around the time when destiny came out, there was a limited time offer for people to get Destiny on the next gen consoles, along with a free DLC transfer. So far as I have seen, that was only for people who got the digital version of Destiny for the PS3 or 360. This happened around January 2015. The only way to get DLC from the PS3 to PS4 is if it is cross-platform.

I hope this helped, if you have more questions about Destiny on the PS4 ask me.