SimCity 2013 – How Education Spreads Across Cities and Its Impact on Tech Level


If I build an education specialist city and remove all other education buildings, am I right in thinking that all of my students in the nearby cities will commute there for study, grow up to become educated workers, and over time increase the tech level in the surrounding cities?

Or do you need a college/university within an industrial city in order to increase its tech level?

Also, what's the maximum distance that Sims will commute for study? Is it just within each 4 city area of a region surrounding a great work, or even less?

Best Answer

Tech points are generated at a community college or university as sims enter the doors of the education building. If you turn on the tech dataview, you'll see tech points reaching out from the school to your industry as purple lines, as well as each industry building's accumulated tech points. The purple lines deliver tech points to industry buildings. When enough points are accumulated in a building, that building moves up a tech level.

The purple tech delivery lines do not cross city borders. The tech level in each city is constrained by the local education system.

If you only have a community college, your city will be limitted to tech level 2. If you have a university, your city can get tech level 3. It is unclear whether a mixture of tech points from these two buildings are additive (do they stack?). The common recommendation is to not build a community college (it detracts students from the university, slowing its growth and research).

Also, what's the maximum distance that Sims will commute for study?

Students will commute from cities that are connected by road. How to determine how much commuting you'll see is currently unknown. Also - just because students are commuting into your city, doesn't mean they are (actually) commuting out of their source city.

Commuting students generate local tech points.