Does floor order matter


I'm occasionally granted Level Mover droids to shuffle the decks in my Tiny Death Star…but I can't tell if sorting the floors in some unknown way matters at all. Other than using the lift to deliver people to different levels, I don't see any relevance to the position of each part of the tower Death Star.

Best Answer

I don't know if this is a bug or by design, but I found that the "Imperial Items Missions" seem to be based on the actual level, not the item type. So if you needed eg "10 Defense Grids", and you use a Level Mover to swap in the Interrogation level to where the Turbolaser laser was, that mission turns into "10 Rebel Secrets". So you can swap in levels that you already have high item counts for.

However, the reward for completing the mission appears to change accordingly (it would decrease in the above scenario as Rebel Secrets are easier to acquire).

NOTE: This has been changed so that the mission is attached to the item, not the level. Moving levels no longer changes the requirements.