Does gifting items in TF2 to another player give them Premium status


Concurrently me and my friends are F2P players on TF2, and I'm planning to upgrade to Premium soon (by buying a key from the shop).

If I gift him an item from the shop, like a key, or a hat, or anything, does this grant him a premium status?

In other words, If I buy something for him, will he become Premium? Or will he stay F2P?

Also, if I gift something to him, do I myself become Premium? Then I could really save and let me simply send out a key or something.

Best Answer

As of November 21st, 2012, the item Upgrade to Premium Gift was released:

The Upgrade to Premium Gift is a tool. When used, it will grant the user a premium account granting them perks such as a 300 slot backpack, access to all crafting recipes, and the ability to trade their items to other players. Gifting this item to another player will give the sender the Professor Speks item.

Essentially, if you gift this item to someone else, not only will they become Premium, but you will also receive the Professor Speks item as well.