Does Halo 2 only work under Windows Vista

backwards compatibilityhalo-2pc

I have Halo 2 for Windows Vista and I'm considering upgrading to Windows 7.

Will Halo 2 run on Windows 7, or is it Windows Vista only?

EDIT: An update on this post: I was not able to make it work on a Windows 7 system (as predicted by the Bungie post linked by @Sean). However, it installed and ran perfectly with no problems on a new Windows 8 laptop.

Best Answer

Yes, though there is great potential for installation misery. The top entry of the official Bungie FAQ:

Does Halo 2 Vista work with Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit?

Yes and no. Some people have issues, some people run the game fine. The only way to know is to try yourself.

If you do run into issues, try installing the latest patches (W7, GFWL, and H2) or these workarounds.