Does having your knife out make you move faster? If not, what does


Do you run faster with your knife out? [I have tried to test this, but to no avail.] I am aware you can get a small boost by jumping while running. I am also aware having the sprint perk increases your speed. I am looking for some documentation / proof that you actually do run faster with your knife out as appose to holding any other weapon and/or that the sprint perk is the only perk to stack with other squad members if they have the perk as well.

I heard through the 'grape-vine' that the squad-leader should have the sprint perk as the owner of the sprint perk gains a greater % of sprint speed than others in the squad and then squad members can just spawn on the squad leader once he/she reaches the objective. (I.E. = Squad leader gains 30% sprint increase for owning the perk, while everyone else gains 15% sprint increase – falsified data, just an example)

This actually matters on Metro, when it is a sprint to objective B.

bf3 knife

EDIT: I am still looking for proof. Everything I have found has been inconclusive / speculation. I do not want links of mere claims, Either from DICE or a reputable source! I have already tried contacting EA via twitter – but yet to gain a reply.

Best Answer

Sprint Jumping is the fastest method of getting from A to B, with the caveats that you become more visible and less capable of quickly killing a target thanks to the time it takes for your aim (the random spread, not your physical view) to settle down.

The part of the animation when you land from a sprinting jump moves your avatar faster forwards than the regular sprint speed, so continuously jumping while sprinting causes this part of the animation to repeat and over time this adds up to a significant bon

For proof: see this video where two people run side by side, one sprinting, the other sprint jumping. Also just spend a couple of minutes with a friend to test will show you that sprint jumping and the sprint perk are the only way to increase sprint speed, no matter the weapon held or loadout equipped.

The sprint perk raises your speed by 10%, as seen in the game data files themselves.