Does it make a difference whether I make a panel active or inactive


When hacking a wall panel successfully (the sort where you are met with a handprint after interacting), you are greeted with two options: active and inactive.

There appears to be no visual difference to the panel between clicking either of these options, and I can't interact with the panel again to change my choice, so what effect, if any, does clicking on either of the two buttons do?

Best Answer

The panels with a handprint on them are alarm panels. My understanding is that if an enemy panics and hits one, it will alarm the facility and send them running.

By disabling it you will keep them from alerting the whole facility, should an enemy make it to one.

Update: I went and got myself into a situation where some guards panicked. They ran to the panel, but since I hacked everything in the area already it did nothing while they used it. This can give you time to line up a headshot if you wish or run up for a takedown.