Overwatch – Turret Facing Direction for Torbjörn


Seeing how there is no rotate function when placing a turret, does it matter at all which way Torbjörn's turret faces when planting it? Are there any advantages, like perhaps a faster turn speed or detection speed in specific directions? Or does it not matter which way it faces.

Best Answer

I will have to say it does matter which direction the Turret is facing. The turret will default to the position it was facing when first created, so there will be a slight delay between a forward facing turret and a backwards facing turret when an enemy is in LOS.

Although given discussions on rebrn, it seams the rotation speed is near instantaneous, but not 0, so it is a matter of milliseconds.

For Pro players, it probably matters, but for the casual bunch it shouldn't.

EDIT: As per further request, and of course my bad for not adding this, here is how fast the turret rotates 180' It clearly takes some time and is much better to have the turret facing the enemies, than having it turn away after a clutch.

Judging by the video and Youtube's .25 play speed. It took a second for the turret to rotate 180'(MAYBE 1.25 seconds).