Overwatch – Does Lucio’s Sonic Amplifier Knockback Distance Vary by Proximity?


When playing against Lúcio, sometimes it seems I only get knocked back a little bit, other times it seem like I go flying. I haven't noticed much difference when playing, but I don't really notice a difference in how far I knock them away from me, however I try not to get too close to people in order to stay safe. Does the distance away from the target effect the distance I knock the target back when using alternate fire with sonic amplifier?

Best Answer

Testing it with Lucio on the training stage:

  • I tested it on this spot with the Lucio spray.

enter image description here

  • After each trial, I moved one step back, further and further until his sonic amplifier would no longer knock them back.

  • Although I tested it from different distances (taking one step back from the spray every trial), the areas in which the bots landed always landed on the same line starting with the first target. The line is highlighted in red.

enter image description here

  • Using speed amplifier or speed boost did not affect how much further it flew. Even using the speed boost ability the bot landed exactly on a point on the red line in the screenshot above.

  • This leads me to believe that regardless how far you are from the opponent they will always fly a set distance.

  • When testing on different heroes in a custom game, lighter heroes like Tracer, Genji, and Widowmaker tended to fly further than big-boned heroes like Roadhog and Reinhardt