Does luck actually improve your loot


In Wasteland 2, the description for the luck attribute mentions that lucky characters are likely to find better loot. Is this actually true? Has anyone actually tested this or confirmed with the devs?

I do know of at least one other attribute that has a description full of lies: coordination does not actually affect the ability to pick locks or crack safes etc. in any way.

A preliminary look around the forums and community website turned up the usual threads with completely contradictory viewpoints:

  • 1, in which everyone reports anecdotally seeing more loot from high luck looters, except for the last poster, who dismisses this entirely based on their own testing
  • 2, in which more anecdotal evidence of Scotchmo being better at looting stuff surfaces
  • 3, in which people are skeptical that there is any relationship
  • etc., etc.

Best Answer

No, Luck has nothing to do with loot. An inxile forum member Staherminator checked the code and found out that all loots are not affected by Luck

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