Guild Wars 2 – Does Magic Find Buffs Apply to Loot Bags?


There are several ways to buff your magic find in Guild Wars 2 (Banners, Food, Black Lion Boosters, etc). Does any of those help get better loot when I open loot bags (e.g. Champion loot bag) ?

Best Answer

Unless the loot bag explicitly states in the tooltip that it is affected by Magic Find (as some do), you should assume that Magic Find will not affect any loot bags or other containers that you open.

As stated in the Magic Find wiki article, Magic Find generally only affects the loot received directly when you slay a creature. It does not affect chests, the Mystic Forge, or any other sources of loot. It essentially increases the chances that you'll roll a higher "rarity category" in a slain creature's loot table.

It's unclear to me whether the boss chests received after killing a world boss count as a "creature kill" or a "chest" for the purposes of Magic Find. There seems to be an unofficial consensus that the contents of boss chests count as a "creature kill" and are therefore affected; with the loot being generated when the boss dies and then just held in the chest, the same way that creature loot is held on its body (or in a Wooden Chest/Steel Chest, if a rare/exotic was dropped) until you collect it.