Does Mal’Ganis’ status effect apply in the ‘Lead from the front’ brawl


This weeks tavern brawl provides each hero with taunt; this means that minions are safe from attack.

During play I placed down Mal'Ganis, which would make the hero invulnerable (in this game mode would be well OP). I thought the game was in the bag, until my opponent hit it with a 1 power minion and execute.

Do such invulnerable status' apply in this game mode, or have they been disabled?

Best Answer

Immunity doesn't interact with taunt in the way you think it does. According to the hearthstone wiki a unit (or hero) with taunt and immune would effectively only have the immune, i.e. taunt stops working while the immunity is in effect.

This makes sense for the reasons you've mentioned, make a taunt unit immune, call it a day. So combined with your experience, yes Mal'Ganis does make the hero immune, and then everything can attack your minions.