Does matchmaker assign sides by tank type


For the past week or so I've been playing almost strictly StgPzIVb, a very fun artillery to play. I played the several maps available dozens of times and I was frequently making plans "where to hide when I play the opposite side". Plans I never managed to realize.

  • Airfield – always West.
  • Karelia – always North
  • Westfield – always North
  • Mines – always South
  • Siegfried Line – always South
  • Widepark – always North (and I played it 20 times at the least and always died a * premature death without a safe place to hide while enemy artillery enjoyed safe kills from their neatly enclosed end.)

The moment I moved to Grille I started seeing the other sides of these maps.

What are the rules of assigning sides of the map in the game? Are the sides tiered or something like that?

Best Answer

No, the sides assigned are random, so you must have been (un)lucky to be placed on the same side every time.

Personally I remember at least playing the StgPzIVb at least once on the North side of the Mines map.