Final Fantasy 15 Noctis – Does Noctis Take Fall Damage?


In many games, falling from a decent height will damage the player. I've fallen from maybe 20 or 30 feet and taken no damage, so I'm wondering if it's even possible to take fall damage. Whenever I find a nice cliff to try to jump from, I'm prevented from potentially killing myself by a nice, invisible wall. Is there a certain height threshold that if I fall from, I'll take damage? Or is there just no fall damage in this game?

Apologies if this is like previous Final Fantasy titles. The last Final Fantasy I played was VII and there was no such thing as falling in that game.

Best Answer

Yes, you can take fall damage.

In the quest line for Dino at Guldan Quay, you have to find an ore outcrop. I fell off the cliff this was on top of and took 243 damage.

I didn't jump off the cliff, which might be a contributing factor, as a jump from height seems to produce a landing roll.

I have been unable to reproduce this in any way since.

Further edit
This is reproducable easily by jumping over the top tier of stairs on a watchtower. I have included a video of this.