Does playing with a different user active on the Switch create a different file


In Smash Ultimate (just like all other Smash games) you have only one save file, so you can't just load another if somebody else wants to play without messing with their progression. I've tried looking into this on the Nintendo website, but that has not been very helpful. I have heard that a function like this exists for certain other games who function like this (Breath of the Wild), but I can't find anything about this for Smash Ultimate.

Note that I am not asking about the Nintendo Account that is used to shop for games and download DLC, I'm asking about the user account that you make when first starting a new Switch.

Best Answer

As with almost every game on the switch, your save data is tied to your user account. Each user profile on the Switch has their own save data.

However in addition to this, with the new Switch Online program, Smash Ultimate supports Cloud Saves which will backup your data on the Nintendo account your switch account is linked with. This means that you’ll be able to pull save data down from the cloud onto another switch if you so desired.

So your save data is both linked to the local User Profile on the Switch and (if you use Cloud Saves) to the Nintendo account the User Profile is linked with.