Does Promethean magic destroy items on the ground


AKA: "If I breathe fire on Diggles, will I charbroil my lutefisk bounty?"

As you can see, I've lucked into quite the lutefisk stockpile here:

enter image description here

My primary mode of diggle destruction, however, is to breathe a plume of all-consuming fire. I've been trying to avoid using it around items to date, because I'm not sure if it causes damage to them – it tends to catch the stone floor on fire, and that makes me think it's a serious attack. That lutefisk sure looks tasty, too…

Will I damage items on the floor if I use my fire breathing attack? Are there any attacks which damage items on the floor?

Best Answer

Nope. Your fiery breath will not consume items on the ground. Feel free to roast that diggle to your heart's content. Your valuable lutefisk will be fine.