Overwatch – Does Reaper Contest the Point in Wraith Form?


We just had a game where an enemy D.Va used her ult with six of us attackers on the point. Five of us ran away, while our Reaper stayed on the point using Wraith form. The Reaper never left the point (I have it on video, I triple-checked), but we lost anyways.

Everything I've read online suggests a Reaper in Wraith form can hold the point. Is this incorrect? Or has it changed at some point? Or was this just a bug?

Best Answer

Yes, but with a caveat.

Reaper (and Mei, to cover both immunities) can both contest points or payloads owned by the enemy. This is easily seen in most games, so I don't feel proof is necessary.

The caveat here, is that they cannot capture points. I did not test payloads, but I can safely assume the same logic is behind it.

Reaper using Wraith form on an unconstested (neutral) point.

Mei using Ice Block on an uncontested (neutral) point.

If necessary, I can also knock up some video evidence of trying to capture an enemy point while not contested, but I don't think there will be a difference.


As per Blue-Raja's comment, I did further testing on the nature of Overtime and contesting versus capping. My results were fully in-line with the above evidence- both can contest a point and extend Overtime during the duration of their in-vulnerabilities, but neither can capture a point or move a cart in that time.