Does Retaliation counts on blocked / mitigated damage


As a guardian, I have some skills that might grant me retaliation, which is very good against burst classes.

The question is, if I "Block" (Aegis for example) an attack, will the other player still be dealt the damage that would have damaged me?

The wiki link says it does, but I'm not sure about it:

Retaliation does not reduce damage taken by the affected player, but damages anyone who hits them (even if the hit doesn't actually inflict damage; for example, if it is blocked).

Best Answer

No, Retaliation does not trigger on blocked damage

It would seem that the wiki is incorrect in this case. To test this, I had an enemy attack my guardian who had both Aegis (from Virtue of Courage) and Retaliation (from Save Yourselves!) active. The first hit, which used up Aegis, didn't cause a damage number to pop up. Only after Aegis was gone did Retaliation start causing damage numbers to appear when the enemy attacked.

Here's a video of my test (HD and fullscreen highly recommended):