Does Robo Monkeys (just darts) or Plasma Vision deal more damage


The Robo Monkey (0-3) has two separate guns, both shooting darts. It has bigger range because of the two previous upgrades. The Plasma Vision (2-0) has plasma (obviously) but has less range. Which do you think is better? Plasma has more popping power but Robo has two guns, which deal more damage than one. It also has larger range.

(Please consider costs, Robo costs few thousand more)

Best Answer

TLDR - Plasma Vision if it's shooting at all.

Obviously this is dependent on whether or not the range of the Plasma Vision Super Monkey covers enough area to be constantly shooting and be somewhat useful.

The Super Monkey upgrade path of 0-3 is generally never ever recommended.

1-0 or 0-1 upgrade path, depending on if you NEED the range upgrade is recommended. Much more popping power this way.

Then 2-0 or 1-1. Plasma is serious popping power. If you can get away with the standard range of the Super Monkey, use the 2-0 path. Only go with the 2-1 path if you NEED the increased range.

Plasma Vision upgrade lets the Super Monkey shoot Plasma Beams, doubles the firing rate, increases popping power by 1 and can pop Lead Bloons. The Robo Upgrade is a standard super monkey x 2, which is no where near the popping power of a single Plasma Vision monkey.