Does scaling apply if I don’t level up


I am currently saving my perk points until I meet the skill requirements for the perk I want. Let's say I am at level 16 and have enough XP to get to level 20. Are the enemies scaled as though I am at level 20?

Best Answer


Once you reach the next level, you do not gain a level for scaling purposes until you have taken that extra boost to Health/Magicka/Stamina. However, since you said "saving my perk points," keep in mind that you are not required to pick a new perk every time you level up; you can save them until you meet a particular requirement. In fact, it's actually quite common for perk points to exceed desirable perks if you have a particular build in mind.

In my opinion, it's generally not worth saving a level up for a few levels just so you can, say, take four perks you want all at once. The exception I can think of is if the intermediate perks are really awful and you're struggling with difficulty. Barring that, I prefer either taking the level up at once or using it opportunistically (you get a complete refill of health, magicka and stamina), especially early game.