Does ‘scenery’ affect anything other than guests thoughts on the ride


Planet Coaster was released recently so there is little information on some of its mechanics. The game differentiates itself from other park management games with its scenery rating.

I am aware this rating affects guests' perceptions of the rides and buildings but was wondering if it affects anything else such as excitement, willingness to pay more for the ride, or other things?

Best Answer

You will notice that the first page of each ride info window has a percent rating for "queue scenery". This rating has some influence on how much people are willing to pay for the ride. I tested this with two identical rides. One had a completely unstyled queue with 0%, the other a very nicely designed one with a scenery rating of 100%. It did not affect the excitement, fear or nausea rating, but people were willing to pay roughly 1 dollar more for the styled ride before they started to complain.