Does “Spy Fox: Hold the Mustard” take place before or after “Spy Fox: Operation Ozone”


Does Spy Fox: Hold the Mustard take place before or after Spy Fox: Operation Ozone? I'm pretty sure that it was released between Spy Fox in Cheese Chase and Spy Fox 2: Some Assembly Required which was before Spy Fox: Operation Ozone.

The thing that bothers me is that the Spy M.E.S.S., which features prominently throughout Hold the Mustard is apparently built by Professor Quack during Operation Ozone.

So where does in the series does Spy Fox: Hold the Mustard fit chronologically?

Best Answer

Looking at Spy Fox: Operation Ozone, we can see that the ship that Professor Quack is building is called M.E.S.S. II

enter image description here

Thus we can assume that is a successor to the Spy M.E.S.S. which was used throughout Hold the Mustard. enter image description here

And so the games most probably take place in release order, that is:

  1. Spy Fox in Dry Cereal

  2. Spy Fox in Cheese Chase

  3. Spy Fox in Hold the Mustard

  4. Spy Fox 2: Some Assembly Required

  5. Spy Fox: Operation Ozone