Does standing still on the sand still summon more ant-lions


In the chapter "sand traps", touching any of the sand along a large portion of the coast causes an ant-lion or two to spawn, and if you try to run across a long stretch of sand you can easily spawn too many ant-lions to fight off. I was wondering though, if I jumped onto the sand and stood in place, only turning in place to target ant-lions that spawn behind me, would :

  • More ant-lions constantly spawn (i.e., ant-lions are spawned by
    spending time on sand), so I would be better served just sprinting
    across a long stretch and then finding a defensible place to
    eliminate the swarm?
  • Or, do ant-lions spawn when you move while touching sand, which would mean that standing still, shooting, and then moving on would be an effective way to keep the ant-lions from swelling into a swarm?

Best Answer

They constantly spawn when you are touching the sand, but only so many spawn at any one time.

If you're planning to touch the sand, it's best to just sprint until you have to slow down (to climb a cliff or something), and then fend off what's chasing you. There won't be very too many to fight.

It's entirely possible to just sprint / run the entire length of the beach, and make it the whole way to the antlion queen boss, with a small horde of antlions on your tail, without taking too much damage. In this scenario, only kill what manages to close the distance.