Does the Black Mesa mod for Half-Life 2 work with Episode 2


Does the Black Mesa mod for Half-Life 2 work with Episode 2? I couldn't find any clear answer on the mod page.

Best Answer

No. The Black Mesa mod is a high-def remake of Half Life 1. That's it. It uses the Source engine to do so; it's not a Half Life 2 mod, persay, as much as a total conversion. Half Life 2 was used as the starting point, but is not at all required to play Black Mesa.

What the mod page DOES say is: Play for FREE! You need not purchase anything!, and classify it as a Half Life 2 mod. This conflicts, and the correct answer is the bullet point. Most likely, it was classified as a Half Life 2 mod because the database doesn't allow it to be blank. A better place to look is the official site.

HL2 also uses the Source engine, but is in no way required to play Black Mesa.