Does the chosen chassis affect the available job offers


I've seen this question, which has no accepted answer, it is implied that the cabin size is only a visual change and doesn't affect the gameplay.

But this is about the chassis. I've seen screenshots of trailers that (from the looks of it) just wouldn't fit on a 4×2 truck. So I'm wondering, if you refit a truck from 4×2 to a 6×2 or 6×4 do you only have the downside of the reduced tank capacity? Or do you gain anything, like the ability to tow larger trailers with more valuable goods?

Best Answer

Okay, I downloaded a player profile with some play money (1 billion Euro, all skills maxed) and did some testing. I bought the smallest cabin and chassis and took a screenshot of the available jobs. Then I upgraded to the medium sized cabin, took a screenshot again, upgraded to the large cabin, took another screenshot. Same with the chassis.

Afterwards I compared the screenshots. The result: the jobs were always the same. So I guess the switchable parts are really just for show.

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