Does the Dusk Ball work in Dynamax Raids


Yesterday I failed twice in a dynamx raid battle to catch a pokemon.

  • Flapple
  • Coalossal

Both I attempted to catch with a Dusk Ball. I did not use a Repeat Ball on Flapple since I haven't owned one previously (sad pokemon shield noises)
Does the Dusk Ball work in Raids? It works best at night and in caves, so why not the long night?
Which ball is best for uncatched pokemon in dyna raids?
Is a Quick Ball more favorable than a Timer Ball?
Is a Net Ball for water / bug types always the most efficient?

Best Answer

Dusk balls work in raids, yes (since raids are technically caves), and happen to be the best option in general.

Do ensure you use Net Balls if it’s a bug/water type, and Repeat Balls if you've caught the pokemon before, as those give better bonuses than the Dusk Ball when applicable.

Source: Various user forums.

As for the timer ball vs quick ball:

Timer balls are: (1 + number of turns passed in battle * 1229/4096 (approx. 0.3))×, maximum 4× (13 turns)

Quick balls are: 5× if used on the first turn of a battle; 1× otherwise

Essentially, use quick balls on the first turn, then timer balls around 10 turns in.
Do note that because of how dynamax raids work, using a quick ball will always result in a 1x capture rate according to this forum post.
