Does the Lich have a maximum max HP


As the lich, you gain maximum HP whenever you kill an enemy. Does this go up indefinitely as long as you keep killing enemies, or is there some cap?

Best Answer

Ok so I cleared out about 90% of the castle with a lich and here are some numbers:

I started with:

  • Hp = 135
  • Mp = 167

I reached the cap on Hp (which I guess answers this question but I wanted to figure out some more):

  • Hp = 383
  • Mp = 167

I used HP Conversion (popped up -191 max hp, +191 max mp):

  • Hp = 191
  • Mp = 358

I used HP Conversion again (popped up -99 max hp, +99 max mp):

  • Hp = 100
  • Mp = 457

(Found a +5 hp stat in a chest here)

I reached the cap on Hp once again:

  • Hp = 386 (383 + 5/2?)
  • Mp = 457

I used HP Conversion again (popped up -194 max hp, + 194 max mp):

  • Hp = 194
  • Mp = 651

I used HP Conversion again (popped up Max MP Converted. Need higher level)

So then I just got to the HP cap again and here is my final result:

Maxed out Lich My stats read 386 Max HP and 651 Max MP

So the max cap for both stats are determined by your overall stat in that, the biggest thing that stood out to me was the max hp + 5 stat increased my HP cap by 3 (maybe 2.5?).

I may try to see what Max Hp paladins and barbarians have with out upgrading and keeping track of stat upgrades I find. Maybe i'll take off Hp giving equipment and subtract the bonuses my lich has on right now to see how he matches up, could do the same for Archmages or something as well.

But first this guy has to die, or maybe beat my last 2 + final bosses.

Edit: Ponce too strong for the crowstorm lich :( but back too numbers:

Didn't purchase any HP+ or MP+ with my money, didn't get any stats so just dis-equipped.

Hp w/o equip bonuses:

  • Lich HP Cap = 311
  • Barbarian Max HP = 473
  • Paladin Max HP = 315

Most I could say here is the cap is about the same as the Paladin's current Max HP

Mp w/o equip bonuses:

  • Lich MP Cap = 566
  • Archmage Max MP = 375

So the Lich caps at about 1.5 times as much MP as the Archmage currently has max.