Does the Nintendo New 2DS XL feature improved processing power compared to the old 3DS (XL)


Does the Nintendo New 2DS XL feature improved processing power compared to the old 3DS (XL)? By "processing power" I mean CPU/GPU speed and available memory.

I'm asking this because I have the Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, but on the (old) 3DS XL it lags incredibly during CQC and pretty much any action.

Best Answer

It does. In order to be able to play New 3DS enhanced software it has more processing power than a regular 3DS. That includes better CPU and more memory. Except for the lack of 3D feature, it has all the enhancements of the New 3DS compared to the old 2DS/3DS.

You can check the features comparison on Nintendo's website.