Does the Observatory’s chance to auto-observe increase as you build more of them


I'm hoping what I'm seeing is just confirmation bias and not how the game actually works, so I'm asking and hoping more analytical minds can assuage my fears. It seems like, with eleven Observatories, quite fewer than 11% of my rare astronomical events are automatically being observed. It was my assumption that each Observatory would add 1% to my chance to auto-observe, and so at 100 Observatories I would automatically generate a starchart (and some science) from every event (and have lots of them!). Isn't this right?

Does building more Observatories increase your chance to auto-observe, or is the base chance the limit?

Best Answer

Each observatory increases the chance to auto-observe, but the chance will never be 100% because it diminishes after 75%.

The relevant part of the code is the following (inside calender.js):

var autoChance ="starAutoSuccessChance");  //in %
            var rand =;

                ( && ( <= 25)) ||
                (rand <= autoChance)
                dojo.hitch(this, this.observeHandler)({}, true);

Every observatory increases your starAutoSuccesChance with 1, so 11 in your case. However, does the hyperbolic effect which makes sure the chance does not become 100%. In another answer(which deserves more upvotes imo) this is perfectly explained, so I will not do it again.

Here you also see is that the chance is compared with a random number under 100 (rand <= autoChance) so the autoChance (or starAutoSuccessChance untill 75 observatories) is indeed the percentage of auto-observes.